Legislation, policy, official guidance

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London Assembly and GLA: "Crazy Paving: the environmental importance of London's front gardens", report of the London Assembly Environment Committee, September 2005:


The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995:


The Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No.2) (England) Order, 2008:


Communities and Local Government 2008 Guidance on the permeable surfacing of front gardens, covering the options for achieving permeability and meeting the condition for permitted development status following the 2008 changes making the hard surfacing of more than 5 square metres of domestic front gardens permitted development only where the surface is rendered permeable:


The Stern Review : The Economics of Climate Change, 2006, H M Treasury. In Part V, Chapter 19, Section 19.4 the report discusses the role for regulation in overcoming market barriers to adaptation in the context of land-use planning. The report points out that land-use decisions leave a substantial legacy, and that "individual decisions to pave over front-gardens in London have led to a loss of permeable drainage surface equivalent to 22 times the size of Hyde Park, increasing the city's vulnerability to flash-flooding substantially. Each individual decision may be rational, but in aggregate this loss of permeable land will leave a legacy for future generations living in London."


The Office for Low Emission Vehicles runs the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme which offers grants to householders for installing chargepoints for up to two electric vehicles and motorbikes, but requires that they be parked in "designated private off-street parking", which in many cases will be the front garden. See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/customer-guidance-electric-vehicle-homecharge-scheme